USA and Canada


Manage the accounting of the petty cash requirement of businesses. The Petty Cash Management solution is an excellent match for centralised finance departments that need to take control of distributed petty cash systems.

Promenics provides a single view of the petty cash account, the accurate management information that enables head office based finance managers to improve financial efficiency and control.


There are just 4 steps to improved control and efficiency:

  1. On a weekly or monthly basis input all your receipts electronically - depending on your reporting requirements
  2. Input remaining float denominations - the solution will verify this adds up to the balance
  3. Submit the form – the solution will flag up if the balance is not right
  4. The system produces a closing balance and details of expenditure and provides Head Office with detailed management information enabling:
  • Accurate reimbursement of cash boxes to make up the float
  • Spend analysis on a per-brand and organisation-wide basis
  • The ability to spot trends, inconsistencies and inefficiencies


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